Before connecting Clayton, we suggest you first consider how you would like Clayton to integrate into your workflow.
Step 1: Connecting Clayton to your repository
If you are using ADO or GitLab, create a dedicated Clayton service user in your version control repository. Assign repository admin permissions to this service user
Create a Clayton account
Add a new connection to your repository (using the service user's credentials for ADO and GitLab)
Depending on your version control provider, you will need to either be a repository or organisation admin to complete this step
BitBucket: a BitBucket organisation admin must create the connection
GitHub, ADO, GitLab: a repository admin must create the connection
After selecting your repository, choose the policies you would like Clayton to scan for violations against
While the repository is being initialised, choose the protection mode for new PRs
By default, Clayton will scan all PRs regardless of the target branch. If you would like Clayton to only scan PRs targeting specific branches, select
"Scan PRs only when the destination is a tracked branch."
You can then adjust your tracked branches once set-up is complete
To see status checks reflected in the Gearset Pipeline, you must choose "Protect what's new" or above. This will not block you from merging PRs unless branch protections are also configured
If you want violations to block merging until they are fixed, configure branch protections in your version control provider. This is typically only available for paid Git plans (e.g. GitHub Teams)
If using GitHub, you will first need to open a new PR for GitHub to recognise the policies as existing status checks for a branch protection rule
Step 2: Adding team members to Clayton
With Step 1 configured, users will see the results of Clayton's scans whenever they open a PR -- both directly in the Pipeline, as well as with detailed in-line comments on the PR
In order to take advantage of all of Clayton's features (e.g. autofixes), you will need to add each team member to your Clayton account
Alternatively, you can verify your Email Domain so that your team members will automatically join your account when they try and log in for the first time with their organisation email
To ensure relevant team members can interact with the project, set the visibility:
Step 3: Team member configuration
With step 2 configured, relevant team members will now be able to view the results of PR scans directly in Clayton and use the autofix feature
In order for Clayton to analyse your team members' repository contributions, each team member must add their associated Git email address in their personal settings
After adding their Git email, team members will now be able to view their personalised insights -- showing them their open issues and bespoke learning resources
Any Clayton admin will also be able to view their team members' overall contributions