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Ignore list

The ignore list allows exclude specific files or directories from scans, helping reduce noise, improve performance.

David Martin avatar
Written by David Martin
Updated today

The ignore list in Clayton is a feature that allows teams to exclude specific files or directories. It’s useful when there are areas of the codebase, like autogenerated files, third-party libraries, or legacy code, that you know you don’t want flagged by Clayton’s rules.

By adding items to the ignore list, you can:

  • Reduce noise in scan results

  • Focus attention on the parts of the codebase you actively maintain

  • Improve scan performance for large projects

This helps tailor Clayton's checks to your team’s actual workflow and priorities, keeping the feedback relevant and actionable.

Adding to the ignore list

Ignore lists can set up ignore lists on individual repositories or Salesforce Orgs.
The list of ignored files can be managed by going to your project > Settings > Ignore list.

From here you can use regular expressions to match specific files names or parth that you want the scan to ignore.


You can use wildcards to exclude entire folders or files that follow specific naming patterns from being scanned by Clayton. This helps you tailor scans to focus only on what matters most.


  • src/ProjectName/classRoot.* — Ignores all files starting with classRoot in this folder

  • src/ProjectName/lib1/ — Ignores everything inside the lib1 directory

  • src/ProjectName/folder1/*.xml — Ignores all .xml files in folder1

  • *file_to_exclude.* — Ignores any file that includes file_to_exclude in its name, regardless of extension or path

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